Orkut hack : Hacking Orkut account password by cookie stealing

I have mentioned about way of Hacking orkut account password by orkut phishing in my previous orkut account hacking articles. I was asked by many readers about
how to hack orkut account password
by cookie stealing method. So, i thought of informing you about method of hacking orkut account password using cookie stealing method in this security article.

Hacking orkut account by cookie stealing
Note : This trick of hacking orkut account password is no more working, due to recent updates by orkut.com. I was asked by many readers about this way of hacking orkut account and hence informing you. Keeping knowledge of this way of hacking orkut account will help you in future.

Hacking orkut account password:

1. Get Firefox and then Cookie editor firefox addon.

2. Here, you should have 2 Orkut accounts (Yep !). One for sending cookie script to victim and other to receive victim's orkut cookies.

3. Javascript to be sent to victim for hacking orkut account password :


4. Now, replace the value in blue with your orkut album value. Right click on your photo and selecting Properties, you will get a 8-digit number (not available now due to recent fix by orkut.com) like say
55886645.jpg. Just replace "33444211"with "55886645" in above script.

5. The final script which you'll send to victim will look like :


6. Send this cookie script to one whose, you wanna hack orkut account and ask him to paste it in his address bar and hit enter.

7. You'll get his orkut account cookie in scrapbook. Now, go to your orkut homepage. Click Tools ->Cookie editor plugin. Now, click on Filter/ Refresh and look for "orkut_state". Double click it and replace this with victim script and put your eight digit number in place of "33444211".

8. Simply logout of your orkut account and login again. You'll be on victim homepage and hence, hacking orkut account...your aim of hacking orkut account completed.

So guys, this was the orkut hack used forhacking orkut accountby cookie stealing. This hack for hacking orkut account is reported to be fixed by orkut.com and hence no more working. Efforts are being taken to develop new ways of hacking orkut account. I will inform you about newly developed orkut hacks as they are out.

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